
Sea Moss-Sarsaparilla Root Gel 16 oz.

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  • ITEM / 16 oz.
  • PRICE: $44.99
  • Delivery: Standard / 2-3 business days anywhere in the U.S. by USPS
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Back
  • All orders are made-to-order. We expect our sea moss gel to be the freshest possible therefore we ship out orders every day Monday thru Sunday. Please refrigerate 8 hours after receiving the product in the mail to get the best-gelled textures.
  • Botanical Name: Kappa carrageenan
  • Commercial Name: Sea Moss Gel

    Sea Moss Biology

This sea weed when soaked in alkali at a moderate temperature and blended makes a Carrageenan called Kappa carrageenan or better known to you as Sea Moss Gel. Kappa carrageenan makes a rigid gel that will retain its form without support. We know because we have our sea moss, gels and powders for capsules lab tested by marine and plant biologist who are experts of mariculture. There are different species of sea moss that will make different kinds of gel with different properties.

For example In the Caribbean there are various species of Gracilaria and Eucheuma. Both produces a carbohydrate that dissolves in hot water and then thickens or gels when cooled. Know to you as “sea moss gel.” In the case of Gracilaria species, the carbohydrate ( a polysaccharide) is agar. The Eucheuma species has a different carbohydrate, known as carrageenan. There is a variety of valuable amino acids and minerals. The genus, Eucheuma can be divided into two groups of species producing respectively, iota or kappa carrageenan.

Irish Sea Moss & Sarsaparilla Root Gel Use And Health Benefits

Sea Moss Gel/ Sarsaparilla Root

Irish Moss Gel is one of nature’s supreme gifts to us! It is fortified with 92 of the 102 minerals that we need to feed our bodies! We also carry Sea Moss Gel with Burdock Root and Bladderwrack to give you the extra minerals your body needs! Irish Moss is a good source of iodine, minerals, protein, potassium chloride, a nutrient which helps to dissolve catarrhs (inflammation and phlegm in the mucous membranes which cause congestion which makes it great for respiratory issues), sulphur compounds, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium (helps to strengthen bones), iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, pectin, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin A.
Sea moss is great for your skin, hair, thyroid (one of the most important and undervalued benefits of this sea moss is its ability to help balance thyroid hormones), reducing inflammation in the body (including inflamed joints) .

Sarsaparilla Root Use, Spoken of by Dr. Sebi –

DR. SEBI ON SARSAPARILLA “Now, why the sarsaparilla has made such a great impression on me…, because I have been using many herbs in addressing the blood, but the sarsaparilla overnight… in fact, in minutes after taking the organic herb of the sarsaparilla, you will see the benefits of it immediately. One of the things that it does is calm the central nervous system. Ionization: calms the central nervous system. Besides ionization, it gives you energy. It’s the spark plug of the body. It’s the greatest cleanser you ever had in your life, the Sarsaparilla. The sarsaparilla is the highest concentrated plant for iron; the most powerful agent in reference to the iron of any plant.” –
Jamaican Sarsaparilla: the Latin name is smilax ornata. There are different varieties of sarsaparilla. Now let’s see what sarsaparilla actually is.
Smilax ornata is a perennial trailing vine with prickly stems that is native to Mexico and Central America. Common names includes sarsaparillaHonduran sarsaparillaand Jamaican sarsaparilla. It is known in Spanish as zarzaparrilla, which is derived from the words zarza meaning “bramble” (from Basque sartzia “bramble”), and parrilla, meaning “little grapevine Smilax ornata is used as the basis for a soft drink frequently called sarsaparilla.
It is also a primary ingredient in old-fashioned-style root beer,  in conjunction with sassafras, which was more widely available prior to studies of its potential health risks.
Traditional Medicine – Smilax ornata was considered by Native Americans to have medicinal properties and was a popular European treatment for syphilis when it was introduced from the New World. From 1820 to 1910, it was registered in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia as a treatment for syphilis.
History – For centuries, indigenous people around the world used the root of the sarsaparilla plant for treating joint problems like arthritis, and for healing skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. The root was also thought to cure leprosy due to its “blood-purifying” properties. Sarsaparilla was later introduced into European medicine and eventually, as you read above it was registered as an herb in the United States Pharmacopoeia to treat syphilis.  
Sarsaparilla Drink –Sarsaparilla is also the common name of a soft drink that was popular in the early 1800s. The drink was used as a home remedy and was often served in bars.
Contrary to popular belief, the sarsaparilla soft drink was typically made from another plant called sassafras. It has been described as a similar taste to root beer or birch beer. The drink is still popular in certain Southeast Asian countries but is no longer common in the United States. Even though we sell it here on our website, today’s sarsaparilla drinks don’t actually contain any sarsaparilla or sassafras. Instead, they contain natural and artificial flavoring to mimic the taste. So you want to make this drink with your own sarsaparilla root.

The Health Benefits

Sarsaparilla contains a wealth of plant chemicals thought to have a beneficial effect on the human body. Chemicals known as saponins might help reduce joint pain and skin itching and also kill bacteria. Other chemicals may be helpful in reducing inflammation and protecting the liver from damage. It is important to note that human studies for these claims are either very old or lacking. The studies referenced below used the individual active components in this plant, individual cell studies, or mice studies. While the results are very intriguing, human studies are needed to support the claims.

1. Psoriasis

The benefits of sarsaparilla root for treating psoriasis were documented decades ago. One study found that sarsaparilla dramatically improved skin lesions in people with psoriasis. The researchers hypothesized that one of the sarsaparilla’s main steroids, called sarsaponin, is able to bind to endotoxins responsible for the lesions in psoriasis patients and remove them from the body.

2. Arthritis

Sarsaparilla is a potent anti-inflammatory. This factor makes it also a useful treatment for inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and other causes of joint pain and the swelling caused by gout.

3. Syphilis

Sarsaparilla has shown activity against harmful bacteria and other microorganisms that have invaded the body. Though it may not work as well as modern-day antibiotics and antifungals, it has been used for centuries to treat major illnesses like leprosy and syphilis. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium. Leprosy is another devastating infection caused by bacteria. The antimicrobial activity of sarsaparilla has been documented in recent studies. One study looked at the activity of over 60 different phenolic compounds isolated from sarsaparilla. Researchers tested these compounds against six types of bacteria and one fungus. The study found 18 compounds that demonstrated antimicrobial effects against the bacteria and one against the fungus.

4. Cancer

A Recent Research Study showed that sarsaparilla had anticancer properties in cell lines of multiple types of cancers and in mice. Preclinical studies in breast cancer tumors and liver cancer have also shown the antitumor properties of sarsaparilla. More research is needed to find out if sarsaparilla can be used in cancer prevention and treatment.

5. Protecting the liver

Sarsaparilla has also shown protective effects on the liver. Research conducted in rats with liver damage found that compounds rich in flavonoids from sarsaparilla were able to reverse damage to the liver and help it function at its best.

6. Improving the bioavailability of other supplements

Sarsaparilla is used in herbal mixes to act as a “synergist.” In other words, it’s thought that the saponins found in sarsaparilla increase the bioavailability and absorption of other herbs.
Additional Uses For Sea Moss / Sarsaparilla Root Gel:
Skin: Used to soothe skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and burns. On the beauty side, sea moss is wonderful for collagen production, which helps to plump your skin, smooth out wrinkles, tone and fight the signs of aging because of its high sulfur content. Irish moss helps to re hydrate dry skin, and leave it feeling soft and smooth. It is used as an emulsifier in skin creams and it nourishes and protects your skin from environmental elements. It is also effective against halitosis, the formation of varicose veins, cellulite. For a skin soothing bath soak: Put about 10 grams of Sea Moss Gel into your bath. Add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil.
Face Mask: First clean and wash your face, then apply a small amount of the sea moss gel to your entire face. Let it sit for 15 minutes or until the face tightens and then rinse with water and apply moisturizer.
Hair: Sea Moss Gel is used to soothe the scalp, condition the hair, enhance shine, and fortify the hair fibers, thereby strengthening your hair.
Hair Mask: Massage 3-4 tbsp of sea moss gel into damp hair and wrap with a towel. Rinse after 10 min or longer, the hair will regain lost minerals. Within this process the sea moss gel helps to detoxify the scalp. Sea Moss Gel is good for 3-4 weeks if refrigerated (sometimes longer). Freezing your Sea Moss Gel will extend the life of it for up to 1 year. A convenient way to freeze would be to place our already packaged sea moss gel in the freezer or use an ice tray and just pop out a cube for each use!
All orders are made-to-order please allow 24 hour processing time. Unlike other companies we expect our sea moss gel to be the freshest possible therefore we ship out orders everyday Monday thru Sunday. Please refrigerate 8 hours after receiving product in the mail to get the best gelled textures.
Used as a nutritious thickening agent, the raw, blended sea moss gel serves as an excellent vegan substitute for gelatin, nuts, fats and carbohydrates. Common uses include shakes, smoothies, sauces, desserts, face mask and much more! It can also be used in homemade hair and skin products. It is tasteless and has only a light sea odor that vanishes when used. Sea Moss Gel is an immune booster which aids in prevention of the flu and flu like symptoms and illnesses. It has Omega 3 fatty acids which helps fight inflammation and promote joint health, and is a great source of soluble and insoluble fibers, which aid in proper digestion.
Many people use Sea Moss in a gel form for convenience and its broader range of uses, such as adding it to smoothies, shakes, soups, stews, sauces and desserts. In gel form, it is tasteless and has only a slight ocean smell. Beneficial properties of Sea Moss Gel are control released, so its nutrients are released over time, giving constant energy throughout the day. Adding a heaping tablespoon morning smoothies/shakes can aid in a balanced day; One in which you don’t crash halfway through. This gel can also be used externally to strengthen hair and soften skin; also assist with skin ailments such as psoriasis, rashes, and eczema.
Sea Moss / Sarsaprilla Gel can actually be stored up to several weeks in the refrigerator. For longer storage life store in a glass container. It can also be frozen for longevity. If you freeze your Sea Moss Gel, store it in small portions for individual use. Once opened you have about 1-2 weeks stored in a refrigerator with a temperature  of 38-41 degrees.
Our Sea Moss / Sarsaparilla Gel is made with love, care, wildcrafted sea moss, all natural spring water and organic Sarsaparilla Root.
  • Irish Moss has so many nutrients that it was used as “survival food” as far back as the well known Irish Potato Famine of 1846 – 1848. It was strongly associated as a food that helps with hardship that it has never been forgotten for many years to come. It is a very well known in the Caribbean’s and used many different ways. Fortunately, because of Irish Moss many health benefits it has never had a shameful past. Traditionally used as a cold remedy, the use of Irish Moss for respiratory ailments is recorded in Ireland way back in 1810. Irish Moss was also used widely in the treatment of tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Spoken of by Dr. Sebi – Irish Sea Moss also known as Irish moss is a source of potassium chloride, a nutrient which helps to dissolve catarrhs (inflammation and phlegm in the mucous membranes), which cause congestion. It contains compounds which act as natural antimicrobial and antiviral agents, helping to boost immunity and get rid of most infections.


Thyroid Health Perhaps one of the most important and undervalued benefits of this sea moss is its ability to help balance thyroid hormones. Irish Moss contains the vital thyroid hormone precursor DI-Iodothyronine (DIT), and the thyroid hormones Thyroxin (T4) and Tri-iodothyronine (T3). If the thyroid doesn’t produce these hormones as it should, this can have a detrimental effect on metabolism and many other bodily systems. These have been found to be the main organically bound iodine compounds in brown sea moss (Irish Moss).

Irish Moss is also extremely high in the trace element iodine – the thyroid gland contains the highest concentration of iodine than any other organ in the body. You cannot make thyroid hormones without sufficient levels of iodine. Dr David Brownstein, a natural health practitioner with over 20 years experience in his field, found that over 95% of patients with thyroid disorders were iodine deficient. Whilst it is best to work with a practitioner who is knowledgeable about iodine therapy if a thyroid disorder is present, keeping your iodine levels up will go a long way to ensure a healthy thyroid remains that way.

Respiratory Health Being a potent source of potassium chloride, this sea moss dissolves catarrh, phlegm and soothes inflammation of the mucus membranes to prevent congestion, helping to clear out the lungs of any phlegm that builds up with a common cold. Because of these expectorant qualities, Irish moss may help to prevent a common cold from turning into pneumonia and can treat other respiratory problems such as bronchitis. Irish Moss also has powerful antiviral properties, helping to prevent or treat a myriad of disorders such as flu, sore throats, chesty coughs and much more.

Heavy In NutrientsThe human body is made up of many minerals and Irish Moss contains a majority of them. It also provides a wealth of other important nutrients including; protein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, pectin, vitamin C and sulphur. One of the most important of these nutrients is a sulphur-containing amino acid called taurine, which is more abundant in Irish moss than any other seaweed – a nutrient that is commonly lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets. It is an excellent immune boosting food that can be invaluable in the recovery from debilitating illness. Its high vitamin and mineral content make it the perfect food to replenish and revive the body after a long battle with disease.

Digestive Support The high fiber content in Irish Moss exerts a mild laxative effect whilst soothing inflamed tissues within the intestinal tract, potentially providing relief from a whole host of intestinal disorders. It’s demulcent, (relieving inflammation or irritation) properties promote healthy digestion – soothing the membranes of the digestive tract. The gelatin like content helps to ease gastritis, dyspepsia, nausea, heartburn and indigestion.

 Weight Loss- Sea Moss is thought to help reduce the appetite due to its ability to absorb moisture, increasing its volume and filling the intestinal tract with a bulking type material, thus increasing the feeling of fullness. Its gentle laxative effect can promote the elimination process of waste through the gastrointestinal tract. The aforementioned iodine content can boost metabolism which in turn will increase energy and can help to accelerate weight loss.


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Buyer: artzkottage (3108)
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Buyer: jacquelinercaldwell2012 (219)
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Buyer: fayking30 (170)
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Additional information

Weight 36 oz
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 2 in


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