You’ve come to the right site if you’re looking for tips on how to prepare raw sea moss. After we show you how to prepare raw sea moss we will give you an education on the biology of sea moss, where it comes from, the different types, case studies on it, and how to find the best raw sea moss.
First Prepare Raw Sea Moss
Grab some moss, then rinse plenty of times. It has an oceanic scent, but it goes away after soaking. Place the moss in a large glass container with water after washing it with your hands or a small vegetable brush. Use clean hands to massage and remove any visible particles or dirt. When cleaning your sea moss, use spring water, purified water, or alkaline water. Let the sea moss soak for 12 to 24 hours.
After that you want to replace the water and rinse again. The sea moss has now expanded in size from its initial dry state, and it is ready to be processed into a gel. Many people ask us how we make it into a gel? Don’t worry, we will answer this for you.
You can use the cooking method or a cold press method it solely depends on what your preference is. The only difference is temperature and time. . We won’t discuss the mineral controversy here. The choice of method depends on your preferences given our years of experience and expertise in this sector.
We will be using the cooking method in this example. If you want the cold press method we have a link to our videos with step by step instructions to both methods below.
Make Sea Moss Into A Gel
Now it is time to remove the sea moss from the water when it has soaked and expanded, then place it on a fresh plate. The water that was used to soak the sea moss should be discarded. Add spring, or alkaline water to a small or large pot. After that, add the sea moss. Allow the sea moss to cook on low for 25 minutes. We have noticed that cooking sea moss on low is the secret to a perfect gel.
After around 10 minutes, turn off the heat source and let the mixture cool fully. The sea moss shouldn’t be subjected to excessive heat. After it has cooled, you should have a gel or gelatin like mixture. For instance, now that your gel has cooled, you have what is called a plain sea moss gel.
Raw Sea Moss Biology
Tropical Irish moss, Eucheuma Cottonii, is a seaweed that produces carrageenan. A variety of distinct carrageenan mixes are also produced by other seaweed, such as Chondurs crispus, often known as “Irish Moss,” which grows in cooler temperate waters in places like the Antarctic and Artic zones.
Ordinarily, Eucheuma Cottonii is spread throughout untouched limestone. They might, however, be perched on subterranean rocks. Before being sun-dried on pristine drying platforms, the harvested seaweed is often cleaned, sorted, and separated from debris and other seaweeds.
Kappa Carrageenan
You may be more familiar with this carrageenan as Sea Moss Gel after blending this seaweed with alkali at a moderate temperature. An unsupported, stiff gel can be created with kappa carrageenan.
We are aware of this since marine and plant biologists who are specialists in mariculture have tested our sea moss, gels, and powders for capsules in the lab. Different sea moss species produce different types of gel with various characteristics.
For instance, there are numerous species of Eucheuma and Gracilaria in the Caribbean. Both result in the production of a carbohydrate that dissolves in hot water and then gels or thickens when cooled. referred to as “sea moss gel” to you.
The carbohydrate (a polysaccharide) in Gracilaria species is agar. Carrageenan is a distinctive carbohydrate found in the Eucheuma species. Numerous important minerals and amino acids are available.
Two groups of organisms that produce iota or kappa carrageenan, respectively, make up the genus Eucheuma. As previously mentioned, our sea moss from St. Lucia produces a gel with kappa carrageenan, which is the greatest gel for maintaining shape and is most commonly used for sea moss gels.
Spoken of by Dr. Sebi –
Irish moss, also known as Irish sea moss, is a natural source of potassium chloride, a nutrient that aids in the dissolution of catarrhs, which are mucous membrane inflammation and phlegm that lead to congestion. It contains substances that function naturally as antibacterial and antiviral agents, boosting immunity and removing the majority of illnesses.
Citation: Sudirman S, Hsu Y-H, He J-L, Kong Z-L (2018)
In mice with dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis, dietary extract from the Eucheuma cottonii plant reduces intestinal damage and modifies the inflammatory response. This study therefore aimed to examine the effects of a dietary polysaccharide-rich extract obtained from Eucheuma cottonii (Sea Moss) on a model of colitis.
Colitis is a serious condition that, if not treated properly, can lead to some extremely grave complications. Among the many types of inflammatory bowel disease is ulcerative colitis (IBD). Colitis can be brought on by parasitic or viral infections. contamination of food by microorganisms. Crohn’s illness.
By giving male BALB/c mice 2.5% (w/v) dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) for 7 days, colitis was produced. Sea moss extracts were given to DSS-induced mice at one of three doses (0.35, 0.70, or 1.75 g/kg body weight) or curcumin as a positive control (0.10 g/kg).
Following treatment, mice were slaughtered, and blood samples were taken. The tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and IL-10 inflammatory cytokine levels and disease activity index (DAI) were measured.
Administration of (Sea Moss) extract after a seven-day course of treatment prevented weight loss and lowered the colon’s weight-to-length ratio. Administration of (Sea Moss) extract also decreased the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, raised IL-10 levels, and decreased colonic damage.
Therefore, a dietary polysaccharide-rich extract from E. cottonii (Sea Moss) reduced DSS-induced bowel inflammation, thereby becoming a promising candidate for the treatment of colitis.
Here, colonic illness brought on by DSS in mice has been shown to be suppressed by an Eucheuma cottonii (sea moss) extract.
Treatment with (Sea Moss) extract decreased disease activity index scores and weight loss while also controlling pro-inflammatory cytokine levels such TNF-, IL-6, and IL-1.
Administration of (Sea Moss) extract also decreased colon damage in animals receiving DSS. As a result, the dietary polysaccharides included in the sea moss extract E. cottonii may one day be employed to treat colitis.
There are different types of Sea Moss:
We have been deeply engrossed in the seaweed and seaweed farming industries for many years. In this article, we’ll explain some of the things to look for so you can be sure you’re buying the appropriate sea moss. In the market, there is a lot of speculating and mislabeling of goods.
On some packets, what is mistakenly labeled as Chondrus Crispus may actually be Gracilaria or Sea Moss, which is the same plant that is produced in warmer ocean conditions. This sea moss is well-known and best used to make sea moss cocktails from the Caribbean that we all adore as well as gels.
It is not Chondrus Crispus because it is based in warmer ocean waters like those in the Caribbean. The Chondrus Crispus has a unique appearance and grows in extremely cold ocean conditions. Below, we’ve demonstrated the distinction. We do have Chondrus Crispus available in capsule and powder form. click here .
- Note: The list of listings that are utilizing the wrong botanical name is shown below. To protect the sellers’ identities, identifying characteristics have been blocked out on some listings.
Notably, the final image displays the chondurs crispus, which is duly designated.
- How Can I Tell If My Sea Moss Is Good? Here are several quick techniques we’ve used throughout the years to identify high-quality sea moss. This information is based on what we have discovered when working with Sea Moss in numerous countries and visiting them.
Tip 1 – The Natural Look Is Not Complete
Does your sea moss possess that flawless appearance? Does everything have a fairly uniform size and thickness? Sea moss develops in a unique way. By looking, you can tell if the ocean was wildcrafted or collected. It’s comparable to being able to distinguish between imperfect vegetables that are grown at home or that are organic from those that you purchase from a grocery shop.
The sea moss that develops in the open ocean will vary in thickness. It will also differ slightly in terms of thallus density and length. These changes may occur as a result of numerous factors. Remember that sea moss has many purposes than only providing nourishment for you. It serves largely as a source of food for aquatic life.
On your sea moss, you could notice a few chewed fragments, especially towards the ends. This is a clue that while it was growing, crabs, fish, and probably even sea turtles were eating the sensitive young shoots. You most likely have wildcrafted sea moss if you have fish munching on new seaweed shoots.

Tip 2 – The Grains of Salt
There will be surface salt that grows naturally in the water, but how big the salt grains are and how they taste are the main indicators of quality. The salty water where sea moss grows is absorbed by it. And as a result, this is visible on the surface after drying. Is your sea moss softly dusted with salt that is as fine as icing sugar?
If not, you likely do not have sea moss that was wildcrafted. It is likely that the sea moss has a moisture content of 40% or more and that the provider packed it with salt to prevent it from spoiling if the salt grains resemble those of rock salt or table salt.
This does not imply that the sea moss is artificial. assuming there is such a thing. According to academics and marine biologists, there is no such thing. You cannot duplicate mother nature’s procedure. Ask someone to show you the video the next time they claim to have witnessed phony sea moss blooming; chances are they won’t be able to. There goes that.
Here at TheySource Our sea moss is completely dried, does not mold, and is not salt-packed. Additionally, the flavors of processed salt and natural sea salt are significantly different from one another. Order now and judge for yourself.
Tip 3 – Is Other Seaweed Included With It?
Occasionally, wild-crafted sea moss that is grown in the ocean may also contain stray pieces of other seaweed, crabs, or even tiny fish. It might even smell fishy.
As you can see in our photos, our quality control team in St. Lucia works very hard to ensure that you receive the cleanest product possible. These are images of our actual products that are protected by copyright. Any more seaweed that was entangled in the sea moss is manually removed after harvesting.
Tip 4 – Variances in Coloration:
Real sea moss that has been harvested from the wild and left to grow naturally in the water may have a few color variations or very minor tonal differences. There are several various hues that sea moss naturally has. This is due to its growing environment and a few minor species variants within the seaweed family.
This indicates that some solar processing was necessary for it to become golden white. Usually, this solar processing just involves being in the sun. After the sun-drying stage, sea moss frequently has certain tonal differences depending on its color.
Perhaps you’ve wondered how the color changes. Sea moss turns from being olive green, purple, brown, red, yellow, or a warm orange to the famous golden white color by a natural process involving the pH levels in ocean water.
Water’s pH level, which runs from 0 to 14, affects how acidic it is. Seven is regarded as the neutral pH. The number “seven” is regarded as neutral or in-between acidic and alkaline. Water is considered “acidic” if its pH value is lower than 7. It’s “alkaline” if it’s higher than 7.
The sea moss grows in its natural environment where it is subjected to tiny differences in light, temperature, and water motions as indicated in the preceding paragraph. This is how the sea moss develops its color variations after being exposed to the sun. To sweat out the color, simply expose the skin to direct sunshine under regulated conditions. This is how golden sea moss is produced.
The incredible strength of Mother Nature and the ocean cannot be matched by anything. We hope that this information was useful because we conducted a ton of research on aquaculture studies.
Want To Know The Difference In Purple Sea Moss? Click here
Additional Uses For Raw Sea Moss
According to Dr. Sebi, Irish moss, sometimes referred to as Irish sea moss, is a source of potassium chloride, a nutrient that aids in the dissolution of catarrhs, which are inflammation and phlegm in the mucous membranes and result in congestion. It contains substances that function naturally as antibacterial and antiviral agents, boosting immunity and removing the majority of illnesses.
Thyroid Function –
Equally the capacity of this sea moss to aid in thyroid hormone balancing may be one of the most significant and underappreciated advantages. Thyroxin (T4), Tri-iodothyronine, and the essential thyroid hormone precursor DI-iodothyronine (DIT) are all found in Irish moss (T3).
The thyroid’s inability to produce these hormones as it should can have a negative impact on the metabolism and many other physiological processes. These have been identified as the primary iodine compounds in brown sea moss that are organically bonded (Irish Moss). The thyroid gland has the highest concentration of iodine of any organ in the body, hence Irish Moss is likewise quite high in this trace element. Without enough iodine, it is impossible to synthesize thyroid hormones.
For instance Dr David Brownstein, a natural health practitioner with over 20 years experience in his field, found that over 95% of patients with thyroid disorders were iodine deficient. Whilst it is best to work with a practitioner who is knowledgeable about iodine therapy if a thyroid disorder is present, keeping your iodine levels up will go a long way to ensure a healthy thyroid remains that way.
Pulmonary Health –
This sea moss, which is a rich source of potassium chloride, helps to relieve the lungs of any phlegm that accumulates due to a common cold by dissolving catarrh, phlegm, and soothing irritation of the mucous membranes to prevent congestion. Irish moss can treat other respiratory conditions like bronchitis and prevent the development of pneumonia due to its expectorant properties. Irish moss also possesses potent antiviral qualities that can be used to cure or prevent a wide range of illnesses, including the flu, sore throats, chesty coughs, and many others.
Heavy In Nutrients –
Irish moss contains a staggering 92 of the 102 minerals that make up the human body. The abundance of additional essential elements it offers also includes protein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, pectin, vitamin C, and sulfur.
One of the most crucial of these nutrients is taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid that is found in higher concentrations in Irish moss than in any other seaweed and is frequently deficient in vegetarian and vegan diets. It is a superb immune-booster that can be extremely helpful in the recovery from crippling sickness. It is the ideal food to refill and rejuvenate the body after a protracted battle with disease because of its high vitamin and mineral content.
Digestive Support –
Irish moss’ high fiber content has a mild laxative effect while also relaxing inflammatory tissues in the intestinal tract, which may help with a variety of intestinal diseases. Its demulcent (reducing inflammation or irritation) characteristics encourage wholesome digestion by calming the digestive tract’s membranes. The gelatin-like substance reduces symptoms of indigestion, heartburn, nausea, gastritis, and dyspepsia.
Weight Loss
– Irish moss is believed to help suppress appetite because it can absorb moisture, which increases its volume and fills the intestinal track with a bulky substance, enhancing the feeling of fullness. The removal of waste through the gastrointestinal tract can be aided by its mild laxative effects. The aforementioned iodine content can raise energy levels and speed up weight loss by boosting metabolism.
At any rate it was used to relieve burns, dermatitis, eczema, and other skin disorders. Besides in terms of beauty, sea moss is great for promoting the formation of collagen, which thanks to its high sulfur concentration helps to plump your skin, smooth out wrinkles, tone, and combat the indications of aging.
Above all Irish sea moss makes dry skin feel soft and smooth by replenishing its moisture. It nourishes and shields your skin from the elements while acting as an emulsifier in skin creams. Additionally, it works well for cellulite, the development of varicose veins, and bad breath. Put around 10 grams of sea moss gel into your bath for a pleasant skin-soothing soak. Include a few drops of your preferred essential oil.
Additionally, it can be found in DIY skin care and hair products. It has no flavor and simply a faint whiff of the sea, which goes away after used. Immune-stimulating Sea Moss Gel helps prevent the flu and diseases and symptoms that are similar to the flu.
However it is a fantastic source of soluble and insoluble fibers, which support healthy digestion. It also contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and support joint health.
Check Out Audible Video On Raw Sea Moss
Nevertheless, our San Antonio, Texas, store sells the best wild-crafted raw sea moss. We have the best quality. How could you not know that this raw sea moss was near you.
Don’t worry we offer curbside pickup and local delivery for our local customers. Plus we offer shipping all over the world for customers who are not so local. Check out the wonderful review on our product and customers. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.